Tuesday, May 8, 2012

BPMS (Business Process Management System)

This post introduces the following BPMS:

  1. JBPM
  2. Activiti
  3. Apache ODE
  4. Intalio
  5. Bonita


“jBPM is a flexible Business Process Management (BPM) Suite. It makes the bridge between business analysts and developers. Traditional BPM engines have a focus that is limited to non-technical people only. jBPM has a dual focus: it offers process management features in a way that both business users and developers like it” (jBPM) and is written in Java. “The jBPM project has merged with the JBoss Drools project (an open source business rule management
framework) and replaced Drools Flow as the rule flow language for the Drools framework” (Liempd).
In a nutshell, jBPM main functionality is modeling an executing a business process using BPMN2.0.
            In order to define the business process this framework provides four main components:
·         Eclipse Editor is a plugin for Eclipse which adds a designer to graphically define the business process
·         A web based designer, similar to the eclipse editor but for web browsers. An example can be seen in the image bellow.
·         jBPM console which allows the business users to inspect and control the process state.
·         A REST API to interact with the engine.

JBPM Web Designer

A business process is made of nodes which are connected using sequence flows. BPMN 2.0, which is used by jBPM, defines the following types of nodes:
·         Events:  They are used to represent the different kind of events included in the business process. Could be a start event or an end event, for example.
·         Actions: Are responsible for defining the actions to be performed during the process execution. This is where the actual work of the workflow is represented, for example a human task or sending an automated email to users. Actions can be nested within other actions.
·         Gateways: Are used to define multiple paths in the workflow.
            In the following picture it’s possible to see the Events(1), Actions(2) and Gateways(3).

JBPM Eclipse Designer Plugin
How are business process implemented in jBPM? First a process description must be implemented, either through the designers as in Figure 8, or writing the xml directly. Second jBPM needs to know the process descriptions and for that there is an API component called KnowledgeBase which is responsible for maintaining all the process definitions executed by a session. The Session is the connection between the process description, included in the KnowledgeBase, and the engine. Actions that interact with the process instance, like aborting the workflow, are defined in the session interface. With only these two components is possible to run a business process, but jBPM also has the option of implementing listeners to events, which can occurred at any stage of the workflow.

2. Activiti

“The Activiti project was started in 2010 by the former founder and the core developer of jBPM (JBoss BPM), respectively Tom Baeyens and Joram Barrez. The goal of the Activiti project is crystal clear: built a rock-solid open source BPMN 2.0 process” (Liempd). Due to this fact there many similarities with jBoss but some implementation choices make Activiti different enough to be a serious competitor.
            As with jBPM, Activiti also has an Eclipse-plugin to graphically design the business process. It has a web based application called Activiti Explorer which allows users to monitor and control business process but doesn’t provide features to design one. A REST API is also available to support engine related functions from external tools, but is still in experimental phase, meaning “should not be considered stable”(Activiti).
            One obvious difference is the web based designer. Although jBPM has a web designer out of the box Activiti relies on an external solution, from Signavio, forcing extra configuration and installation to make it work. This component name is Activiti Modeler.
            A summary of the Activiti tool stack is visible bellow.

Activiti tool stack
To compare with jBPM, the following picture shows the graphical design plugin for Eclipse. As BPMN defines the visual representation the result is similar to the one in  JBPM Eclipse Designer Plugin.

Activiti Eclipse Designer
In the picture bellow  is visible a business process modeled using the web designer by Signavio, configured to work with Activiti.

Signavio designer customized for Activiti

How are business processes implemented in Activiti? As with jBPM, the workflow engine needs a business process description which can be defined using the various components, might be through the Eclipse Designer, writing the bpmn2.0 xml directly or with the Activiti Modeler. Afterwards the model must be deployed using using the Activiti Explorer or Activiti’s API.
            The Activiti’s API has 2 main components, the ProcessEngine and the Services. The ProcessEngine is responsible for running the process business and exposing the Services, which are an interface to interact with the Engine. While in jBPM there was a component called Session which was responsible for all the interactions with the engine, in Activiti those methods are divided by Services. For example if a developer wants to run a business process he must get the RunTimeService from the ProcessEngine. The same thing happens with the deployment actions, which is made using the RepositoryService returned by the ProcessEngine. With this structure the methods are more fragmented and not as focused on a single component as in jBPM.

3. Apache ODE

This open source solution from Apache is quite different from the ones analyzed so far. Mainly because, instead of BPMN2.0, Apache ODE supports the WS-BPEL description, meaning there isn’t a standardize graphic representation of the business process. As such, the main focus of Apache ODE is the business process execution through the interaction of web services. While Activiti and jBPM have a complex API, the Apache solution relies on the execution description of BPEL, by running the process in conjunction with the data received through web services. This results in a far simpler solution, installation wised, but the interaction is not as strait forward.

            How are business processes implemented in Apache ODE? As with the other Workflow Engines the first step is describing the business process, might be using the Eclipse BPEL designer Plugin, like in the picture bellow, or writing the xml directly. Then the web services interface must be defined where the interaction and evolution of the business process is exposed. Using the WSDL Editor in Eclipse is an easy way to do it, as in the second picture. The components defined using the web services description language are the binding between the port where the process service is available, the process itself and the service. The final stage is the deployment descriptor, which is responsible, among other things, to connect the interface with the client.
            ”The deploy.xml file configures one or several processes to use specific services. For each process, deploy.xml must supply binding information for partner links to concrete WSDL services” (Apache).

Business Process in Eclipse BPEL Editor

WSDL using Eclipse WSDL plugin
The web based tool for monitoring the processes is illustrated next. It gives an overview of the amount of processes running, displays the .wsdl of each service, has a deployment feature to start new business processes and provides some management hover the running workflow.

Apache ODE web tool

4. Intalio

“Intalio|BPMS is the world's most widely deployed Business Process Management System (BPMS). Designed around the open source Eclipse BPMN Modeler, Apache ODE BPEL engine, and Tempo WS-Human Task service developed by Intalio, it can support any processes, small or large.” (Intalio).
            Intalio is the most commercially driven solution of the ones analyzed so far. In fact, if the free version is chosen only 80% of the source code is available and other features like DBMS compatibility are fewer than in the paid option.
            The software is divided in two components, the server and the designer plugin for eclipse. The server package has the actual business process engine which is the Apache ODE. A web app to interact with it, much like the Apache solution, can be seen in the picture bellow. A nice detail is the language localization which detects the user idiom, setting it, in this case, to Portuguese.
            While jBPM, Activiti and Apache ODE are based only in one language, BPMN 2.0 or BPEL, Intalio uses two. For the graphical design it uses BPMN, but for execution Intalio converts it to BPEL. How this conversion is preformed is not documented and because there isn’t any standard for it, figuring how it’s made is not trivial. The BPEL code is necessary because Intalio uses the Apache ODE engine, but adds a layer of BPMN with the designer.

Intalio process web app
How are business processes implemented in Intalio? Intalio relies heavily on the designer when describing the business process. Even the web services layer, as Apache ODE also has, is done graphically. This would be a great way to simplify things but the designer isn’t as well developed as the others used in the other suites. For instance while undoing a considerable amount of actions made using the eclipse plugin, some elements appeared even if not added previously, connection arrows, empty tasks, among others. Nevertheless, after having the business process defined using BPMN, the interface layers must be added. For example, if the user wants to monitor the process using the Intalio|BPMS console a new layer must be added to the design. The same for exposing the business process through web services. To better understand how all is put together an example is show in the next picture, with the interface for the console in the top layer and the web services interactions in the lower one. The binding for how the messages are exchanged is defined using a XML Schema. After all these artifacts are correctly implemented the process is ready for deployment and because the execution engine is Apache ODE this phase is similar to the one described in the Apache solution.

Intalio Designer

5. Bonita

The most user friendly and intuitive solution analyzed in this section, being clearly more focused on the user than the developer. As such, it’s very easy to quickly design and run a business process but implementing advanced external communication is not very strait forward. Proving is the fact that “BOS [Bonita Software] does not yet provide a public API to build processes so you'll have to develop them using the studio. So no possibility using a web browser yet” (Bouquet).
            The studio, shown in the picture bellow, is a designer where all the business process implementation takes place. Bonita’s approach with the studio is to define all the process’s aspects through graphical elements, even implementing web services is made using components called connectors. By having this structure it’s very easy for a process Engineer to describe and run a business process but at the same time it also limits the possibility of expanding its functionalities, as seen with the constraint of using a customized web designer.

BonitaSoftware Studio

In order to monitor and control de running business processes BonitaSoftware has the User Experience mode, visible in the next picture, which is web based and has an email like layout.
BonitaSoftware User Experience

How are business processes implemented in BonitaSoftware? There really isn’t much to it, just design the business process or import one, which can be in BPMN 2.0,XPDL or jPDL, and run the process, which will then be available through the User Experience application. All these actions are made through the self-explanatory GUI.

Referencies: Liempd (Activiti in Action - Book)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

jBPM tools

jBPM, Drools Guvnor and Web designer

This post will cover:
Here it's an overview of the main free BPM.

What is jBPM

jBPM is a Business Process Management System which in short words means that its main function is to run business processes. 
It's possible to look at business processes as workflows which are basically a group of sequenced activities with inputs and ouputs. 

Let's use an example to better explain how it works:
  1. A TV broadcaster wishes to capture an important event
  2. Afterwards Introduce some information about the recorded media
  3. And then publish the video
    1. To the channel's web site (normal quality)
    2. To the broadcasting station (high quality)
This workflow with 5 activities can been described as a business process using a language understood by jBPM, which is the BPMN2.0 standard (Business Process Modeling Notation).

BPMN2.0 is basically a standardized XML containing information about the visual and execution counterparts of the business process.
This way everyone that knows the BPMN2.0 standard understands the visual representation and business process management systems as the jBPMN can execute it.

The referred workflow can been seen here, modeled using the designer:

jBPM would then run the workflow and do any kind of work demanded by the activities.

In the described example that could mean start capturing the video at 9 pm on a defined feed for the duration of one hour, then ask for human input after the capture process ended and start converting the media to two different file types and finally save them to a specific location.How this is done in detail will be covered next.

So in a nutshell a workflow/business process is described using BPMN2.0, which in turn is generated by the web designer and the jBPM API has the responsibility to run it.

jBPM different components and how they interact

As we've seen jBPM has the task of processing the workflow but it has to get the generated XML description (in the BPMN2.0 standard) from somewhere. This is where the designer and Guvnor repository come in.

If you download jBPM from here and ran the ant install.demo script that's exactly what you'll have.
Drools guvnor is used as the rule based repository where the bpmn2.0 business process representations are stored along with other assets and the designer is a tool to create those assets.

The following image gives a basic scheme how the different components interact:

Running the business process

jBPM has 3 main components:

  1. The knowledge base
  2. The session
  3. The events
To keep things simple, here it is a very short summary of what they do:

The knowledge base is what you use to load the business process. It basically fetch the bpmn2 file and loads so it can be used by the workflow engine. Involves parsing and compiling the process definition.
The session provied methods to interact with the engine, for instance to start running the business process. 
Finally the events is nothing more then an interface which has methods like afterProcessCompleted.

Note: In java events are simulated by the implementation of an interface and that's exactly what this is. You declare a java class which implements this interface and pass it to the caller which in turn will fire the interface's methods.

So let's see some code on how to run a process stored in the guvnor repository:

The code assumes the presence of jBPM library and that drools guvnor has a package called defaultPackage which contains CaptureEventWorkflow business process.

String title = "CaptureEventWorkflow";
String base_url = "http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/webdav/packages/defaultPackage/";
/* building the knowledge base by fetching the bpmn2 process definition from drools guvnor repository */
KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
kbuilder.add(ResourceFactory.newUrlResource(url+title+".bpmn2"), ResourceType.BPMN2);
KnowledgeBase kbase = kbuilder.newKnowledgeBase();
/* now that the knowledge base is ready a session is needed to interact with the workflow engine */
StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = kbase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession();
/* a session might have more than one process to start so providing the process id is required */

Now let's assume you'd like to keep track of the process execution state. There are a couple of ways to do this, you can inquire jBPM through REST using the following url:


Or you could simply pass to the session a class that implements theProcessEventListener interface, like so:

public class EventsClass implements ProcessEventListener {

 public void afterNodeLeft(ProcessNodeLeftEvent arg0) {
  System.out.println("Node with name: "+arg0.getNodeInstance().getNodeName()+" just started");
ksession.addEventListener(new EventsClass());
And keep track of the process state using the ProcessEventListener class.

Using the tools within an application

Now that we've covered how to make a business process (using the designer), load it and run it...let's take a look on how we could use these tools in an application.

Adding a new asset to Drools Guvnor (programmatically) 

To add a new asset to droosl guvnor repository it's possible to use the REST API or open the designer in New Asset Mode. 

Using Drools Guvnor REST API

To add a new process, or any kind of asset, to the drools guvnor repository a POST must be done with the asset as a byte stream or atom-xml. More info here.

The following example uses the RestEasy framework which comes by default with jboss.

Note: RestEasy can greatly simplify the REST interactions by allowing the developper to define an interface which will then be used by a proxy to make the requests.

First define the interface with the methods to use:


public interface RepoClient {
        /* The package parameter will replace the {packageName} path field
           the slug will contain the asset name and type (filename)
           the asset parameter is the byte representation   */
 String addAsset(@PathParam("package") String package,@HeaderParam("Slug") String slug, byte[] asset);

To actually do the post of a new process without any elements you can do the following:

RepoClient client = ProxyFactory.create(RepoClient.class,"http://pc-lazevedo:8080/drools-guvnor/rest");
String result = client.addAsset("package", processName.replace(" ", "")+".bpmn2", "".getBytes());  
The result will be a xml with information about the generated process including the asset UUID which might be relevant to hold for later use with the StandAlone Editor.

Opening the Designer in New Asset Mode

By opening the StandAlone editor with the following url, it will automatically create a new asset.

With these Get parameters:
  • packageName: the package where the process will be hold
  • categoryName: honestly I don't know what this is for, but I created a category within the previously defined package
  • createNewAsset: true
  • assetName: the business process name (without spaces)
  • assetFormat: bpmn2
Something like:

Using the New Asset Mode of the designer is probably the more intuitive one but due to some problems, which will be described next, I preferred to first create the asset through REST and then call the StandAlone Editor on it.

Using the Standalone web designer

In order to embed the drool designer in you application, using the standalone web designer is necessary.
This is where things get a little tricky. Regarding version 2.1 some hacks are necessary to make it work properly.
But let's start on how to open it. To do this you only need to call:


The assetsUUIDs is an unique ID that serves to tell what asset the designer should open. After you POST a new asset to the REST API as explained before, the returned xml has this UUID.

As for what I experienced getting this far is quite trivial the problem now is what happens when you try to save the process make changes and then save again. If you are able to do that using the Standalone Editor without any errors, then the following notes can be ignored, if not then this should useful.

Designer, correcting after save changes error

The goal is to force the designer to refresh after saving changes to fix the error when trying to "re-save".
For that there are two options, though only the second one worked for me:

Using the guvnorEditorObject

So after calling the Standalone Designer a JavaScript object  to interact with it should be available. By using a tool like FireBug or Chrome console it's possible to check what methods the object provides. The one that we are interested in is registerAfterSave... which receives as an argument a function to be called after saving the process. There you can simply pass something in the lines of


Doing location.reload() might not work because, at least with me, the Standalone editor added some Get parameters after loading and refreshing the window results in an error.

Add EventListener to the save button

Well, this is kinda of an ugly solution but honestly it was the one that worked for me. Hold the Standalone Editor in an iframe and on the main window have a javascript function running in 250ms intervals (setInterval) trying to add an event listener to the save button. Something like this:

registerEditorInterval = setInterval(registerEditor, 250);

var registerEditor = function()
   clearInterval( registerEditorInterval  );
    $("#frameEditor")[0].src="<%=request.getParameter("iframeSrc") %>";

Getting an image preview of the process

One requirement for the app I'm developing with Guvnor and jBPM is that the user should be able to see the process without the need of opening the designer. For that I needed to "catch" a SVG of the diagram. Fortunetly the Designer has a JavaScript API that provides such method and this is how you can use it:

var svg = frames[0].frames[2].ORYX.EDITOR.getCanvas().getSVGRepresentation();

Again put this inside a function that runs within a defined interval because ORYX.EDITOR takes time to load.

If you would like to resize the SVG to a defined width and height without lossing its aspect ration here it is the math for that:

var svgWidth = parseFloat(svg.getAttribute("width"));
var svgHeight =parseFloat(svg.getAttribute("height"));
var holderWidth = 780;
var holderHeight = 410; 
var svgRacio = svgWidth/svgHeight;
var newY = Math.min(holderHeight,holderWidth/svgRacio);
var newX = svgRacio*newY;
svg.getElementsByTagName("g")[0].setAttribute("transform","scale("+newX/svgWidth+" "+newY/svgHeight+")");

Summing up

First let me start by saying that I was astonished when I realized what these tools can do for FREE. I know it's easy to complain about features that aren't working as well as they should or that things are not as strait forward as they seem in the documentation, BUT these tools are developed in an open source philosophy and have a tone of great features. Obviously, I didn't even scratch the surface with this post but only referred what I found more relevant.

What I think it needs priority attention is the Standalone editor. In my environment after opening the editor if I tried to refresh the window it was in, I'd get an error. The same would happen with multiple consecutive process savings. Without the small "improvements" I referred the Standalone editor simply wasn't working.

Another positive word must go to the support I've received in the jBPM irc channel. I needed help adding a Work Item Definition through the REST API and for two hours I received full attention and got it working.
This is what I consider truly supportive community and is crucial when adopting any kind of software.